percussion ensemble pieces
Varying difficulties and instrumentation for percussion ensembles.
Small Ensembles (<5 players)
Large Ensembles (5 or more players)
- What?? - 4 Players / Very Easy
- Dadgummit! - Cajon Trio / Medium-Difficult
- Shake - Tambourine Trio / Medium-Difficult
- Clang Clack - 4 Players / Medium-Difficult
- Shiver - 2 Players / Medium difficult
- Riemannian Geometry - 3 players / Difficult
- Tessellation 46 - 2 Players / Difficult
- Johanna (Arrangement from Sweeney Todd) / Difficult
- Polyphloisboian - 3 Players / Very Difficult
- On Death and Dying -3 Players / Very Difficult
Large Ensembles (5 or more players)
- Who?? / Very Easy
- 5 + 5 = 55? / Easy
- Thud. Clank. / Easy
- Spicy Chicken Sandwich / Easy
- Sabre Dance / Medium Easy
- Nine Volt / Medium
- Apex / Medium
- Paradox II / Medium
- Boulderdash / Medium
- Hidden Dreams / Medium
- Cloudburst / Medium
- All Wound Up / Medium
- Syzygy / Medium-Difficult
- Johanna (Arrangement from Sweeney Todd) / Medium-Difficult
- Reverie (Soprano Saxophone & Percussion Ensemble) / Medium-Difficult
- Sleepless (For Steel Band) / Medium-Difficult
- Sunrise Energy / Medium-Difficult
- A Call For Rain / Medium-Difficult
- New Vibes / Medium-difficult
- Cosmic Whirlwind / Difficult
- Subterranean / Difficult
- Phosphenes / Difficult
- On the Wing / Difficult
- Lost in the Labyrinth / Very Difficult
- Bearwalker / Very Difficult